Thursday, November 28, 2019

Economic Statistics Essays - Consumer Theory, Demand,

Economic Statistics 1. Traffic Congestion If a city council faces severe problems with traffic congestion, a knowledge will benefit all parties. It is this I will debate in the lines to come. When traffic is a problem in a city, all sorts of means of transportation can be included, but it is mainly cars which seem to be the problem. Therefor raising gasolin prices (by putting an extra tax on them) should instinctively reduce car usage, seeing that costs for the driver would go up. This is though only the case, if demand for gasolin is inelastic (fig. 1). Here a tax on gasoling has moved the supply curve to S2 and the price to P2, which has lead the quantity demanded from Q to Q2. The difference between Q and Q2 is the essential of the diagram, and it is clear that there has only been a very little decrease in quantity demanded. On fig. 2 demand is elastic, and again a tax on gasolin has been introduced, moving the supply curve to S2 and incresing the price to P2, which then has decreased the quantity demanded to Q2. Here the difference on quantity is great. It is now easy to conclude that if demand for gasolin is inelastic, almost the same will be bought, and there will be hardly any decrease in traffic congestion. If demand is elastic, quantity demanded will go down and so will caruse in general leading to a fall in traffic congestion in the city centre. 3. Gondomar and Bayona If maximum growth rate is a desired goal, the proportion a country spends on consumer goods or investment is highly relevant. In the following I will outline the differences between the two countries Bayona and Gondomar. Gondomar has chosen to have a high proportion of its N.I. spend on investment. If this investment goes into factories and businesses, the investment could turn out to benefit Gondomar in a very positive way. N.I. will go up, and therefor the average GDP pr head will go up as well. This leads to better standard of living. Drawbacks which must also be kept in mind is worsening of nature, pollution, and other external social costs the society will have to live under. Bayonas approach is much more passive, in the sense that she does not strive to achieve growth in the same way as Gondomar. The spending on money here is mainly spend on consumption, which means the economy is more focused on import. If relatively is being produced, N.I. will go down and standards of living will go with it. Overall it is clear that a policy which focuses on investment rather than consumption, is more likely to benefit on long terms. 4. National Income Several problems occur when trying to meassure national income. Even if many factors have to be considered before arriving at a result. The first problem which comes to mind, when considering problems, is the fact that the data collected could easily be unexact. For example is there a very large informal sector in many underdevoped countries. This informal sector includes everything from theft to prostetution. All of this activity is very difficult to anthing but an estimate of. The informal sector does not include farmers providing for themselves, but this is also unrecorded, and should not be left out, when calculating N.I. Meassuring bread which is sold, is realtively easy, while services and certain commodities, usually within the public sector, do not have a price. Here productivity will tend more to an estimate, than an excact value, when adding this number up to N.I. Finnally when the N.I. has been added up, there is a final problem. N.I. is usually only helpful when used to compare with other countries economy, and therefor the various N.I.'s have to be exchanged on paper to a common currency (usually the dol lar) for better comparison. Here the value of N.I. will natuurally vary according to the exchange rate, and not the productivity. Concludingly, it should be stated that all of the above vritirias should be met when calculating N.I. if a correct figure is desired.

Monday, November 25, 2019


FUNCTION PLUS LOYALTY Essay Example FUNCTION PLUS LOYALTY Essay FUNCTION PLUS LOYALTY Essay Introduction The outgrowth of functionalist attacks to interlingual rendition in the 1970s and 1980s was rather radical in that it marked the move from what Munday ( 2001: 72 ) describes as the inactive lingual typologies of interlingual rendition displacement , a term defined by Catford ( 1965: 73 ) as departures from formal correspondence in the procedure of traveling from the SL to the TL , to a consideration of the overall map of the Target Text ( TT ) in the Target Culture ( TC ) . However, these attacks have been criticised on assorted evidences. This paper investigates one of these unfavorable judgments and whether Chritiane Nord s impression of function plus trueness adequately addresses the issue. SKOPOSTHEORIE : As a term, functionalism is used to mention to the sum of attacks to translation that focal point on the overall map ( s ) of a text or interlingual rendition ( Nord 1997:1 ) . In other words, functionalism has been expressed or practised otherwise by different bookmans and transcribers. However, they all appear to hold drawn inspiration from what Vermeer has calledskopostheorie, the birth of which seemingly marked the beginning offunctionalism( Honig 1997: 6 ) . Harmonizing to Vermeer ( 2004 ) , [ T ] he skopos of a interlingual rendition is the end or intent, defined by the committee and if necessary adjusted by the transcriber ( 236 ) and this impression of skopos can be applied in the interlingual rendition procedure, the interlingual rendition consequence every bit good as the interlingual rendition manner ( 230 ) . This skopos determines whether a text should be translated word for word or paraphrased or even adapted. As Nord ( 1997 ) puts it, the Skoposof a peculiar interlingual rendition undertaking may necessitate a free ora faithful interlingual rendition, or anything between these two extremes, depending on the intent for which the interlingual rendition is needed ( 29 ) . Thus a individual text can engender different interlingual renditions harmonizing to the different interlingual rendition Jockey shortss provided. This attack was rather fresh in that it, to a big extent, addressed the eternal quandary of free V faithful interlingual renditions, dynamic V formal equality, good translators vs slavish transcribers, and so on ( Nord 1997: 29 ) . However, it has besides received rather a figure of unfavorable judgments. One of such onslaughts came from Pym ( 1996 ) who inquiries the ability of functionalism to supply a footing for a professional moralss of interlingual rendition. He so asks: Can such a theory generate a manner of spoting between good and bad intents, between good and bad interlingual rendition schemes? Or is its purpose simply to bring forth materialistic experts, able to contend under the flag of any purpose able to pay them? ( 2 ) Pym inquiries the evident disregard of the ST, undue accent on the TT and the freedom skopostheorie gives the transcriber to bring forth any sort of text as dictated by the interlingual rendition brief, whether or non the said brief is a far call from the purposes of the writer of the beginning text. In response to such unfavorable judgments, Nord added the construct of loyalty to functionalism. FUNCTION PLUS LOYALTY Chritiane Nord maintains that the trueness rule is meant to account for the culture-specificity of interlingual rendition constructs, puting an ethical restriction to the otherwise limitless scope of possibleskopoifor the interlingual rendition of one peculiar beginning text ( 2007:2-3 ) . Loyalty is used to mention to the duty of transcribers, as go-betweens between two civilizations, towards their spouses viz. , the source-text writer, the client or commissioner of the interlingual rendition, and the target-text receiving systems ( Nord 2001: 185 ) . It may besides be seen as taking into history the purposes and outlooks ofallthe spouses in the communicative interaction named interlingual rendition ( 195 ) . Though the client s brief determines the skopos of the interlingual rendition, it is non the lone determining factor for the interlingual rendition. The transcriber should be loyal to the ST writer by guaranting that he non bring forth a TT that falsifies the writer s purpose s ( Nord 2005:32 ) . In other words, trueness ensures some compatibility between the ST and the TT. The transcriber should besides be loyal to the mark audience, who have some outlooks of what the interlingual renditions should be like, by explicating in a footer or precede how they arrived at a peculiar significance, the thought-process involved. Nord distinguishes trueness from fidelity or equality. While she sees the former as an interpersonal relationship between the transcriber and his spouses, the latter she sees as constructs used to mention to the lingual or stylistic similarity between the beginning and the mark texts, irrespective of the communicative purposes involved ( 2001: 185 ) HOW ADEQUATE? This subdivision looks at the adequateness of Nord s map plus trueness rule to interlingual rendition, particularly in relation to Pym s accusal of skopostheorie bring forthing merely materialistic experts. In the first topographic point, it checks the evident freedom of the transcriber to bring forth any sort of interlingual rendition in conformity with the client s brief. While map requires that the interlingual rendition be modelled to suit into the brief provided by the commissioner, trueness requires the transcriber to warrant their pick of interlingual rendition method by sing the involvements of all the participants involved in the interlingual rendition, non merely that of the client. A transcriber should non bring forth a interlingual rendition that goes contrary to the brief ; they besides should fulfill the outlooks of the mark audience every bit good as non distort the purposes of the writer. So if the brief betrays the communicative purposes of the writer, it is so the transcriber s responsibility to pull the attending of the client to this evident anomalousness. Pym ( 2007: 132 ) quotes Nord as stating that If the client asks for a interlingual rendition that would intend being unpatriotic to either the writer or the mark readership or both, the transcriber should reason this point with the client or possibly even refuse to bring forth the interlingual rendition on ethical evidences . So the transcriber is non a mere materialistic since they do non accept whatever skopos is given them. Downie puts it this manner: With the add-on of the impression of loyalty the transcriber is now ethically and professionally responsible to either detect the outlooks their spouses have of their work or to state them why these outlooks have non been met ( 2 ) , This rule reduces the figure of skopoi that could be generated for a individual interlingual rendition text. Two inquiries may be raised against the trueness rule, one of which has been partially answered in Downie s quotation mark above viz. : is it ever possible for every party to be made happy by the transcriber? Harmonizing to Nord, the transcriber has the moral duty non to interpret on a brief that will distort the writer s purpose. If after explicating the state of affairs to the client and the client insists on non modifying the brief to do up for the defect, the transcriber has the moral duty to decline to make the interlingual rendition. Downie has already highlighted what the transcriber should make if the interlingual rendition goes contrary to the outlooks of the receiving audience. In Nord s words, if the mark civilization expects the interlingual rendition to be a actual reproduction of the original, transcribers can non merely interpret in a non-literal manner without stating the mark audience what they have done and why ( 1997: 125 ) . This increases the degree of assurance the audience has on the transcriber and makes them more ready to accept the interlingual rendition as of a good quality even if their ( the audience s ) outlooks are non met. This raises the 2nd inquiry: will the acceptance of the documental interlingual rendition in state of affairss where the beginning civilization is markedly different from the mark civilization, seen in the extra accounts the transcriber has to do for the reader, non impact the response of the work since the audience is cognizant that the text is non the original, but a interlingual rendition? Though the reader might be affected by the realization, the manner shows that the transcriber has some regard for the reader and will assist construct their assurance in the transcriber for taking the strivings to explicate their scheme and picks. One other issue the trueness rule references is the supposed dethronement of the beginning text. This is besides one of the bases for Pym accusal of transcribers as being mere materialistic experts since the ST may ensue in TTs with which it portions a really tenuous relationship. Loyalty insists that the communicative purposes of the writer be reproduced in the TT. And this can merely be achieved when a elaborate analysis of the ST is done to appreciate its topographic point in the beginning civilization, temporally and spatially. Nord insists that the reading of a text goes beyond the lingual, that it is a merchandise of the many variables of the state of affairs ( clip, topographic point, references ) in which it originated ( 1997: 119 ) , and that the analysis of extratextual factors such as writer, clip, topographic point, or medium may cast some visible radiation on what may hold been the transmitter s purposes ( 125-6 ) . The transcriber so does a similar extratextual surve y of the mark state of affairs to place the look that best reflects the writer s purposes in the mark state of affairs. So in the chief, the TT purposes are hinged on those of the ST. Decision It is self-evident that a text is unfastened to multiple readings, and interlingual renditions. But Nord s impression of map plus trueness has so restricted the otherwise arbitrary production of interlingual rendition Jockey shortss and interlingual renditions that are a far call from the message of the ST. It besides weakens the unfavorable judgment that functionalism advocates a dethronement of the ST. However, the satisfaction of every party involved in the interlingual rendition procedure is merely but an ideal, non ever operable. But trueness has made the transcriber more responsible and witting of their interlingual renditions and increased the assurance of other participants on the transcriber. Indeed if transcribers will adhere to this charge of being loyal, the jobs of mistranslations will be greatly reduced. Mentions Catford, J. C. 1965.A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford. Downie, Jonathan. The End of an Era? Does skopos theory enchantment the terminal of the free V actual paradigm? online: Pneuma Foundation: In depth resources: hypertext transfer protocol: // Homig, Hans G. 1997. Position, power and pattern: Functionalist attacks and interlingual rendition quality appraisal. InCurrent Issues in Language and Society. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 7 34. Munday, J. 2008.Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. 2nd erectile dysfunction. London: Routledge. Nord, Chritiane. 1997. Translation as a Purposeful Activity. Manchester: St Jerome. Nord, Chritiane. 2001. Loyalty revisited: Bible interlingual rendition as a instance in point. The Translator.Vol. 7 No 2, pp. 185 202.. Nord, Chritiane. 2005.Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation-Oriented Text Analysis.2nd erectile dysfunction. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Nord, Chritiane. 2007. Function plus Loyalty: Ethical motives in Professional Translation. InGenesis Revista Cientifica do ISAG. Vol 6, pp. 7 17. Pym, Anthony. 1996. Material text transportation as a key to the intents of interlingual rendition. In Albrecht Neubert, Gregory Shreve and Klaus Gommlich ( explosive detection systems. ) 1996,Basic Issues in Translation Studies. Proceedings of the Fifth international Conference Kent Forum on Translation Studies II, Kent/Ohio: Institute of Applied Linguistics, 337-346. Pym, Anthony. 2001. Introduction: The return to moralss in interlingual rendition surveies .The Translator.Vol. 7 No 2, pp. 129 138. Vermeer, Hans J. Skopos and committee in translational action. In L.Venuti ( erectile dysfunction )The Translation Studies Reader. 2nd erectile dysfunction. New York: Routledge, pp. 227 238.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Marketing Management - Essay Example (Riley, 2012) Alternatively, resource audit can be described as analysis or inspection of resources of an organization. It can also be called as Internal Resource Analysis. Assets and resources include tangible as well as intangible goods. An associations intangible and tangible resources consolidate with the companys abilities to make different competencies. Distinctive competencies allude to those exercises that a firm performs better than any contending firm. There are fluctuations in execution between individual firms and in an industry. The distinctions in execution are because of a few variables. Initially, the organizations may be in somewhat diverse aggressive positions (i.e., fit in with distinctive vital groups in the business) and a few positions may be more appealing than others. On the other hand, the more critical distinction is the difference in preferences between the different firms (competitive advantage). Competitive advantages refer to capacities, resources, aptitudes, abilities, etc., that empower an organization to contend all the more adequately in its industry. So as to build a perspective on the associations focused position, a business requires getting and considering data about competitors. There are numerous schemes by which this could be possible, including taking a look at the differential effects of focused conjectures on competitors, centre capabilities of competitors, the diverse missions of competitors, so on. The finished consequence of a contender examination should be to show where every contender is solid or feeble and helpless. One methodology to investigating contenders is the four-point rundown list of the key components of the analysis on competitors set forward by Greenley (1986): To better comprehend the exercises through which a firm forms competitive advantage and makes shareholder value, it is convenient to disparate the business framework into an arrangement of value generating activities alluded to